Putting Yorkshire in control

This is Ben. Ben’s parents naturally want the very best for their son. Ben’s parents are typical of most Yorkshire folk. They are shrewd, hardworking, and penny-wise.

It is fair to say that Ben’s parents are more than capable of both grasping the issues and of bringing much-needed knowledge, experience and expertise to the table of government. Let’s face it, they know better than anyone what’s needed to deliver a brighter future for such as little Ben.

The kind of Parliament for Yorkshire that we are seeking would give people like Ben’s parents, and Ben himself when he’s older, the opportunity to play a much greater part in the county’s decision-making processes.

First as a part of their local community, where they would be consulted about the hopes and dreams that they have for their family, immediate neighbourhood and the county as a whole, in addition to their biggest concerns and fears.

An amalgamation of the results from these consultations would set the Parliament’s priorities and programme of government – switching current power and control of the parliament’s agenda away from the controlling Political Party and putting it firmly in the hands of the people, where unarguably it should belong.

Secondly, people like Ben’s parents will be encouraged to stand for election to the new Parliament, under a different, fairer voting system. As Members of the Yorkshire Parliament, they will have input into the debates and decision making on our behalf: sitting alongside elected representatives from the Political Parties as equals.

Truly a Parliament of the people, for the people